Friday 5 August 2011

~* Free Recipe Cards *~

Adorable and Stylish! Graphic Garden offers Free Printable Recipe Cards! These 4x6 inch cards are not only great for organizing all your delicious recipes but also come in many different design choices!

CLICK HERE to get yours today!  

Monday 11 April 2011

Beef & Mushroom Stroganoff

One of my family’s FAVORITE dinners is one I stole from a good friend! Stroganoff is a dish I love to make and my kids love to say! Lol
Instead of making the process expensive and elaborate my friend taught me how to make this dish using ingredients most of us already have in the cupboard! With the exception of a few of my own personal “add-ins” (such as sour cream.. etc.) this is pretty much his recipe….

Beef & Mushroom Stroganoff
1lb of Ground Beef
1 Med. Onion
1 cup sliced  mushrooms
2 Cans Mushroom Soup
2 Pieces Fresh Garlic Cloves (sliced small)
1 small tub of sour cream (Optional... I prefer it as it add a richer taste)
1 Package Med. Egg Noodles
FLAVOR SPICES : (add to taste) Garlic Powder, Mrs. Dash and Wilshire Sauce
1.       Brown ground beef, Garlic Gloves, Onions & Mushrooms. ßAdd flavor spices to taste. … Drain fat.
2.       On med heat; add Mushroom soup, sour cream & flavor spices to taste…. Bring to gentle boil and reduce heat to low until ready to serve… stir occasionally.
3.       While Sauce is heating cook Egg noodles according to package instructions (bring water to boil, add noodles, salt & drop of oil; boil for 5-10mins) Drain.
4.       Serve Sauce on top of Noodles and ENJOY!
Total Ingredient Cost: $7.00
(Assuming you have soup, onions, garlic & flavor spices already in cupboards!)

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Cooking with Garlic

One raw garlic clove, (minced, sliced or pressed) releases more flavour than powder or a dozen cooked whole cloves!

Tip - For a lighter taste, add garlic immediately to a recipe.
Add at the end of the recipe if you want a stronger taste of garlic! 

Remember this:  The smaller you cut it, the stronger the flavour!

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Food for Thought....

When buying Green, Yellow or Red Bell Peppers; first think about what you will be using the peppers for….

Consider This: 

Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating.
Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and better for cooking.

Saturday 19 February 2011


Hello! Welcome to my Blog! Living on a shoe string budget is not always easy! Coming up with cheap, delicious recipes to feed your family, even harder! But with a little imagination and a whole lot of love ANYONE can create delicious meals that the whole family will love!!!
I decided to create this blog to help you along the way... Much like the “peddler” in the story of “Stone Soup”!


Once upon a time, in a small village in Europe somewhere, there was a great food shortage throughout the land. People hungrily hoarded whatever food they could find, hiding it even from their friends and neighbours. One day a peddler drove his wagon into a village, sold a few of his wares, and began asking questions as if he planned to stay for the night.

"There's not a bite to eat in the whole province," he was told, rather rudely, "Better keep moving on."
"Oh, I have everything I need," he said. "In fact, I was thinking of making some stone soup to share with all of you." He then pulled an iron cauldron from his wagon, filled it with water, and built a fire under it. Then, with great ceremony, he drew an ordinary-looking stone from a velvet bag and dropped it into the water.
By now, hearing the rumour of food, most of the villagers had come out to the square or watched from their windows. As the peddler sniffed the "broth" and licked his lips in anticipation, hunger began to overcome their uncertainty.

"Ahh," the peddler said to himself rather loudly, "I do like a tasty stone soup! Of course, stone soup with CABBAGE -- that's hard to beat!"

Soon a villager approached hesitantly, holding a small cabbage he'd retrieved from its hiding place, and added it to the pot. "Splendid!" cried the peddler. "You know, I once had stone soup with cabbage and a bit of SALT BEEF as well, and it was fit for a king!"

The village butcher managed to find some salt beef...

And so it went; potatoes, onions, carrots, mushrooms, and so on, until there was indeed a delicious meal for all! The villagers where so surprised, they offered the peddler a great deal of money for the magic stone, but he refused to sell it and he traveled on the next day.